The university is strongly supported by CEO/ Founder: Founding Mother/President: Professor Yvonne B. Bentley, Ph.D.S. was founded in 2018 under the auspices of the Holy Spirit. As Professor Yvonne B. Bentley, Ph.D.S. was spending quality time with God and reading his word. God inspired her to create the International Kingdom University-U.S.A. as a blessing to fivefold ministers and community leaders around the world. She has shared her vision with her Apostle and overseers Apostle Billy and Apostle Cynthia Thompson who cover her with their Global Apostolic Alliance Academy out of Jesus People Proclaim International Church. Since the conception of the International Kingdom University-U.S.A., she has affiliated and partnered with many others to brand what she believes in as a model of the 21 Century University to win souls, educate others on discipleship, and continue to educate others from a biblical perspective in prayer and healthy fellowship.
Tree of Life Mascot

seeks to take up the call of Christ to take the Gospel to all nations, to work for the restoration of the *REVIVALIST SPIRITUAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH,* and to serve all believers and all nations in the name of Jesus Christ.
For this purpose we have been given, by revelation of Christ, five (5) specific priorities on which to focus our sense of purpose, are as follows:
Facilitating Meaningful Relationships.
Equipping and Enabling Ministers.
Promoting a Common Vision.
Relationship to Fathering Ministries.
Relationship to Other SCRCCBIS- CRM Members.
That Ministry may find a sense of identification, International Ministerial Recognition that Ministers may enjoy fellowship and communion With those of like mind and those of the same tribe, or Nation and blood lines. That Minister may receive protection through a commitment to accountability.
That Minister may experience the benefits of Ministerial support.
By sharpening their Ministry skills.
By imparting knowledge of biblical principles of successful Church life. By promoting awareness and evaluation of current trends in Ministry and among the CLERGYMAN AND WOMEN. By sharing helpful ideas that will enhance their Ministry.
That the Church of Jesus Christ may be glorious in its local expression.
That new Churches may be planted and grow into maturity.
That Ministers and Churches experiencing difficulties may rely upon trusted resources available to help them through ABBECAMREN GLOBAL ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT/UNIVERSITY AND SCRCCBIS- CHAPLAINCY RESCUE MISSION
THE AGENTS OF POSITIVE CHANGE SPIRITUAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN'TL AND ABBECAMREN GLOBAL ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT/ UNIVERSITY is committed to the principle of providing fatherly nurture and care to its membership. Not only will there be regional leaders available to each new member, but the entire SPIRITUAL CHRISTIAN REVIVALIST Council OF CHURCHES and other designated nurturing Ministries will be available to the members of *SCRCCBIS- CRM* for COUNSELING, ENCOURAGEMENTS, WISDOM AND FELLOWSHIP.
SCRCCBIS- CRM desires to be a catalyst in bringing Ministries and Churches together in the area of fellowship. It is our prayer that as time goes on many interpersonal relationships will develop among SCRCCBIS- CRM members.
These relationships will happen spontaneously as we associate one with another, visit each other's Churches, see each other in regional Diocese Conference and get involved with each other's Churches.
As a World United CHAPLAINCY TRAINING UNIT & Ministerial Network we concentrate on:
1. *ASSOCIATION* As we find a connection through the sharing of ideas we find it necessary to enter into partnership. As partners we are--on the same team--but we maintain our own distinct identity and individuality in Christ.
The *SPIRITUAL CHRISTIAN REVIVALIST COUNCIL OF CHURCHES BIBLE INSTITUTE SEMINARY & CHAPLAINCY RESCUE MISSION* does not seek to be an instrument of ecclesiastical restraint in the sense of diminishing the member Church or Ministry's individual calling.
Our aim is to promote interdependence while maintaining independence.
"Simon Peter, a servant and an Apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained LIKE PRECIOUS FAITH with us..." II Peter 1:1
2. *FELLOWSHIP:* We find that there is great strength in the diversity of our backgrounds and experiences throughout the Body of Christ. from ABBECAMREN GLOBAL University Therefore, it is not our desire to become uniform in method, operation nor function.
It is through Organization that we take full advantage of the collective wisdom, knowledge and judgment that comes from God.
We promote companionship and mutual sharing of interests, ideas and information. "Our aim is unity without uniformity.”
Establishing and maintaining a strong relationship is vital to the success of the Organization. As we make every effort to strengthen one another we certainly recognize the importance of knowing one another, respecting one another and esteeming each member highly. The SCRCCBIS- CRM offers a system of accountability that adheres to Biblical principles and insists upon the highest level of integrity and responsibility.
"Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing. But we request (beseech or ask), brethren that you appreciate (know) those who labor among you..." and to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. And be at peace among yourselves." I Thessalonians 5:11-13
4. *RESOURCES:* The sharing of vital information and words of encouragement causes the participants of an organization or group to feel connected and to have mutual understanding. Regular and consistent communication by the written word was practiced in the early Church.
The Apostle Paul gave this charge to the church at Thessalonica: "I adjure (charge) you may by the Grace of the Lord to use the Council's letter head to conduct all legitimate business on behalf of our brethren/ registered members (Churches)."
The *SPIRITUAL CHRISTIAN REVIVALIST COUNCIL OF CHURCHES BIBLE INSTITUTE SEMINARY & CHAPLAINCY RESCUE MISSION* will communicate with member Churches and ministries on a weekly basis, if requested. Our aim is to edify and inform.
5. *COUNCIL* As men and women of God work to uphold and advance the Kingdom of God they will face, on a daily basis, the onslaught of the forces of darkness.
We must take advantage of the *SPIRITUAL INSIGHT and GODLY COUNCIL* we possess collectively in order to withstand the constant barrage.
The *SPIRITUAL CHRISTIAN REVIVALIST COUNCIL OF CHURCHES BIBLE INSTITUTE SEMINARY & CHAPLAINCY RESCUE MISSION* intends to help meet the needs of its member Churches and Ministries while allowing them to maintain full autonomy. Our aim is to give insight as well as oversight.
Empowering the local Church to more aptly address its Primary Mission, namely, the presentation of the Gospel.
The Organization will affirmatively address this objective through the provision of training and development of clergy, local Church leadership, minstrels and laity, to better "Equip the Saints" for the work of innovative and state of the art techniques of communication, motivation and organization.

Empowering the local Pastor/ Minister of Religion through the impartation of Apostolic Authority and functional order within the Local Church. While the Organization does not seek and shall not presume to exert undue influence upon the oversight provided by the local Pastor, it avails itself nevertheless to assist the local Pastor, upon invitation, through Apostolic visitations designed solely to impart divine order within the local Church, and to undergird the office of the pastor within that Local Assembly, as exemplified in the Pauline epistles.
Our aim is to empower the Ministry with the tools that’s needed to go to the next level.This we stand for and seek to do.NOT BY FORCE NOR MIGHT BUT BY THE SPIRIT.
BY: CHIEF Global C.E.O.
His Royal Eminence,
+++ Patriarch Cardinal Archbishop Prof. Amb.
JP. Brian CameronTh.D., Th.M., D.Miss, DD PhD, PHd. CCI. DDL.